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Mose Scholarship Fund

Mose Scholarship Fund

Basic Education in all societies is critical to individual and economic development as well as political stability—and it also contributes to improved health, human rights, and gender equity. Yet globally, millions of people lack the most basic education primarily…

Omanga Resource Centre

Omanga Resource Centre

Omanga Resource Centre (ORC) is a one-stop centre providing information, learning resources, and support to the youth of Marani in Kisii County and its environs. ORC will host a Learning Library and a training centre fully equipped with Computers and access to Internet. ORC runs programs in the following 4 thematic areas:- Learn more

Morara Resource Centre

Morara Resource Centre

Morara Resource Centre (MRC) is a one-stop centre providing information, learning resources, and support to the youth of Kineni-Isoge in Nyamira County and its environs. ORC will host a Learning Library and a training centre fully equipped with Computers and access to Internet. MRC runs programs in the following 4 thematic areas:- Learn more

Youth Empowerment Program – Call for Partners

Youth Empowerment Program – Call for Partners

Edmund Burke (1729-1797) once said “Tell me the prevailing sentiments that occupy the minds of your young men, and I will tell you what the character of the next generation will be”.  Kenya, is a very youthful country with…
